Abstract | The quality of service in insurance business is one of important factor for growth a company. Because insurance is intangible product, customer can feel it form they servicing. PT Bumida 1967 Sharia Insurance, is one of insurance company they have a big number for new business every years. Its show a good business, but there a data shown 69% customer have choseen’t renewal and 31% customer have a loyality for renewal they policy. For the survival of their businesses by examining the extent to which the level of customer satisfaction on the functioning and role of the company , in terms of the gap between services experienced with the expected services . the method is a method of writing qualitative conducted using qualitative data obtained through research directly or main. Purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the extent to which the correspondence between the level of interest of the element - the element of customer service according to the functions and roles that have been done , and is expected to be taken into consideration for the customer in order to determine the company strategy in the future . In this case I will only discuss the indicators associated with the level of customer satisfaction on the functioning and role of the Insurance, namely reliability, responsiveness , assurance , empathy , tangible . In analyzing the data used the concept of performance- importance by using a Likert scale as a measuring tool . Results of analysis of the functions and roles that have been carried out by the company shows the range " pretty good" that stands at an average of 3.57 . whereas the expectations of the customers reaching an average of 4.16. may mean that the company is still not up to the promised service to customers Therefore, through Cartesian diagram , can be described that there are several factors that must be considered by the company and one of which is the accuracy factor notification policy matures . Tests conducted by the author is expected to provide some input for the company in question , so that a failure has happened will not happen again . Keyword: Quality of service, Customer Satisfaction |
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