Abstract | The research is to answer the issue of the extent of the influence of the quality of service and loyalty in PT Asuransi Purna Artanugraha in 2012-2015. The purpose of this research is to gain empirical evidence of factors that influence customer satisfaction as the dependent variable. Independent variables used in this study is the loyalty and service quality. The initial hypothesis of this study is the effect on customer satisfaction. The study found that the loyalty affect customer satisfaction for fire insurance, while the quality of service for fire insurance less affect customer satisfaction. At the same time, loyalty and quality of service have an effect on customer satisfaction in PT Asuransi Purna Artanugraha, contributions given by both variables together was 11.3%. For enterprises, improving the quality of personnel marketing by attending seminars, training and continuing education, and improve the quality of the products according to the market survey and advertise products that belong in a variety of media, the the auto company's revenue will rise to its full potential and the company's costs will be reduced. Keywords : service quality, customer satisfaction, loyalty, fire insurance. |
Repository Admin | 15 Jun 2021
The purpose of this research is to find how underwriting procedure in doing in PT Jiwamega life of the life insurance credit life insurance. In life insurance underwriting do credits are not in the pr...
Repository Admin | 01 Apr 2021
Repository Admin | 30 Jun 2021
Skripsi ini yang membahas tentang "Hubungan Persepsi dengan Minat masyarakat Umat Kristiani untuk berasuransi Syariah di RW 07 Kelurahan Kayu Putih ini merupakan hasil penelitian yang memiliki tujuan...
Admin | 10 Aug 2021
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jasa perantara dan premi netto
terhadap hasil underwriting periode 2012-2016. Penelitian di PT Jasa Raharja Putera Cabang Kelapa Gading. Metode yang...
Repository Admin | 09 Aug 2021
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh motivasi dan perilaku konsumen terhadap pengambilan keputusan membeli produk asuransi jiwa syariah di lingkungan RW 01 Kelurahan Petojo Utara Jakarta...
Repository Admin | 23 Mar 2021
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menguji adanya pengaruh dari status kepesertaan JKN (BPJS Kesehatan) dan tingkat pendapatan terhadap minat masyarakat dalam membeli produk asuransi keseha...
Repository Admin | 17 Jun 2021
The work practices report discusses the marketing process of property insurance products in PT Asuransi Central Asia branch of Duta Merlin that's ASRI (Asuransi Rumah ldaman). Marketing process is the...
Repository Admin | 27 Sep 2021
Penelitian dengan judul Penurunan Omset Penjualan Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) yang berjualan disekitar Kampus selama pandemic covid 19, tujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat penurunan omset dihada...
Admin | 24 Jun 2021
In this study, the authors conducted the identification of marine cargo products.
Marinecargo of any insurance cover must be in accordance with the standard
operating procedure of PT Asuransi Wahana...
Repository Admin | 02 Sep 2021
Puji dan syukur penulis panjatkan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas segala karuniaNya sehingga Laporan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini berhasil diselesaikan. Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini mengambil...
Repository Admin | 12 Apr 2023
Terbitnya buku ini diharapkan dapat memberi kontribusi yang positif dalam ilmu pengetahuan dan tentunya memberikan nuansa yang berbeda dengan buku lain yang sejenis serta saling menyempurnakan pada se...
Repository Admin | 01 Apr 2021
Perusahaan asuransi merupakan lembaga keuangan nonbank yang bergerak dalam bidang layanan jasa yang diberikan kepada masyarakat dalam mengatasi risiko yang akan terjadi di masa yang akan datang. Asura...
Admin | 01 Jul 2021
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh Laba Bersih
yang diukur dengan Pendapatan Premi Bruto Pertanggungan Tidak Langsung pada
Asuransi Kebakaran dan Beban Klaim Bruto Pertangg...
Admin | 01 Jul 2021
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan jumlah klaim dari penerapan warranty
vessel classed and class maintained during period of insurance dan vessel classed and class
maintained at...
Repository Admin | 18 Nov 2021
Repository Admin | 09 Aug 2021
This thesis researches to find out if any significant effect between the corporate image and consumer behavior towards decision of purchase of motor vehicle insurance products at PT KSK Insurance Indo...
Admin | 21 Jun 2021
The lending activities carried out by the Bank are activities that have great potential in providing incomte to the Bank. Of course, in the credit distribution there are risks that might be experience...
Repository Admin | 30 Jun 2021
Admin | 09 Aug 2021
This Research analyzes how the Insurance Company’s handling of claims
affecting decision for extending a contract (renewal). Good managed company
charasteristics are able to handle claims properly,...
Repository Admin | 19 Aug 2021
This study aims to determine the effect of gross premium income of fire insurance and
gross claims of fire insurance coverage to the gross underwriting of fire insurance.
Research conducted on insur...