Author | Rachmawati Dewi Kusumastuti |
Abstract | Reserves is a very important for running business well in insurance industry. A company without establishing reserves in their financial report would not be able to stabilize their business and compete with the other Insurance company. There are many methods of making reserves. Selecting the best methods based on Company history allows the result to be close to the actual numbers. This research will give a further explanation about how important of making reserves for Insurance Industry as listed in Government Regulations 71/POJK.05/2016 about financial health Insurance companies and reinsurance companies. The purpose of this research is to examines the importance of establishing a claim reserve and gives an idea of how important the formation of claim reserve is in Health Insurance at PT Asuransi Bina Dana Arta, Tbk. This research will use theories which related to Claim Reserves. Data that writer use in this research is gathered through interviewing matters person in several division at PT Asuransi Bina Dana Arta, Tbk. Keynotes : Insurance, Health Insurance, reinsurance, Claim, Reserve, Claim Reserve |
Repository Admin | 24 Jun 2021
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dan kontribusi
pendapatan premi neto, beban klaim neto, hasil investasi dan jumlah beban usaha
terhadap keuntungan perusahaan asurans...
Repository Admin | 01 Apr 2021
Repository Admin | 01 Apr 2021
Putri Melati Kresna Dewi | 17 Jun 2021
Every insurance company has a method or process of printing different policies, The policy is printed according to the needs of the insured, the contents of the policy are also adjusted to the product...
Repository Admin | 01 Apr 2021
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerepan manajemen risiko pada sistem pembayaran biaya pendidikan yang dijalankan di STMA Trisakti
mengenai adanya penerimaan tak teridentifikasi....
Repository Admin | 23 Mar 2021
This study aimed to find out the influence of gross contribution income, tabarru' funds and net investment returns on total assets in sharia life insurance companies. The data population in this study...
Repository Admin | 01 Apr 2021
Kehidupan masyarakat saat ini tidak terlepas dari penggunaan internet. Internet cukup mempengaruhi kehidupan sehari-hari, salah satunya dalam pembelian kendaraan bermotor. Melihat dari perubahan pola...
Repository Admin | 01 Apr 2021
Putri Melati Kresna Dewi | 22 Jun 2021
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendapatan premi neto,
beban klaim neto, dan beban usaha terhadap laba usaha. Penelitian dilakukan
terhadap perusahaan asuransi PT. China Taiping I...
Repository Admin | 23 Mar 2021
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui berapa besar pengaruh cadangan premi, pendapatan premi neto, dan Hasil Investasi terhadap laba bersih. Penelitian ini dilakukan di PT AIA FINANCIAL pada perio...
Repository Admin | 15 Jun 2021
Insurance company will provide an assurance of protection against the risk guaranteed in the property all risks Insurance policy. However, insurance company also have their own retention or risks for...
Admin | 23 Aug 2021
Repository Admin | 09 Jan 2023
Skripsi merupakan persyaratan kelulusan seorang mahasiswa, yang harus dijalani melalui proses proposal skripsi terlebih dahulu. Pada penulisan skripsi diperlukan aturan atau susunan tersendiri yang ha...
Admin | 22 Jun 2021
This study aims to determine the effect of term life insurance products and
education levels on people’s interest in having life insurance products. The
method used in this research is experimental...
Repository Admin | 06 Sep 2021
Penulis panjatkan puji syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas segala kemudahan yang dilimpahkan-Nya sehingga akhirnya dapat menyelesaikan penelitian pada semester genap ini. Pada penelitian ini penuli...
Admin | 19 Aug 2021
The purpose of this study is to determine the ratio of brokerage fee
based on facultative and treaty business and to know how big the comparison or
the difference between the two business. This stud...
Admin | 25 Aug 2021
This thesis is about quality product and quality service performance of motor
vehicle sharia insurance of takaful company Asuransi ABC Syariah , PT and that
influence for their client. This thesis r...
Administrator | 12 Mar 2021
The background of this research is to determine the pricing process for term insurance products at PT Asuransi Jiwa Central Asia Raya. This research uses the method of observation, literature and inte...
Repository Admin | 08 Jan 2024
Penulisan laporan ini dibuat sebagai salah satu syarat kelulusan mata kuliah magang
profesi yang ada pada semester 7 ini. Magang ini bertujuan untuk menambah pengalaman serta
mempersiapkan diri da...
Repository Admin | 01 Apr 2021
Penelitian ini berjudul Pengaruh Promosi dan Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Produk Asuransi Kendaraan Bermotor pada PT Asuransi Central Asia Syariah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untu...