Date Issued | 08/22/2018 |
Abstract | This thesis examines the effect of service quality policy closure and settlement of claims on Client satisfaction of motor vehicle insurance in PT KSK Insurance Indonesia. This thesis researches to find out if any significant effect between and client satisfaction and how much. Thus, to measure connection the service quality uses 5 dimensions of quality service to determine client satisfaction level. There are 1) Reliability, 2) Responsiveness, 3) Assurance, 4) Empathy, and 5) Tangible. Population in this research is 649 individual insured in PT KSK Insurance Indonesia (through an agent). The sample was subjected to experiments as many as 87 respondents. As for the processing of the data were analyzed to test validity and reliability with the help of computer program SPSS 20.0 for windows. Analysis technique used multiple linear regression analysis. From the analysis result, it is found that the quality of closing policy service and settlement of claims simultaneously have a significant effect on the satisfaction of motor vehicle insurance Client in PT KSK Insurance Indonesia and 62.6% of the effect while the remaining 37.4% is explained by other variables that are not included in this research or model. Keywords: service quality policy closure, service quality settlement of claims, Client satisfaction |
Name : | BAB I.pdf | Format : | Please Sign in to download file | |
Size : | 0.51 MB | Description : | Bab 1 |
Name : | BAB II-min (15).pdf | Format : | Please Sign in to download file | |
Size : | 0.16 MB | Description : | Bab 2 |
Name : | BAB III.pdf | Format : | Please Sign in to download file | |
Size : | 0.92 MB | Description : | Bab 3 |
Name : | BAB IV.pdf | Format : | Please Sign in to download file | |
Size : | 0.94 MB | Description : | Bab 4 |
Name : | BAB V.pdf | Format : | Please Sign in to download file | |
Size : | 0.18 MB | Description : | Bab 5 |
Name : | DAFTAR PUSTAKA.pdf | Format : | Please Sign in to download file | |
Size : | 0.49 MB | Description : | Daftar Pustaka |
Name : | HAL.JUDUL-min (15).pdf | Format : | Please Sign in to download file | |
Size : | 0.78 MB | Description : | Judul |
Name : | LAMPIRAN-min (57).pdf | Format : | Please Sign in to download file | |
Size : | 1.24 MB | Description : | Lampiran |
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