Author | Drs. Syakir, M.M., Drs. Bagus Suhendar, M.Hum. |
Date Issued | 09/01/2021 |
Abstract | This research is a way to ilustrate a general picture of a teaching achievement of a lesson. The purpose of this research is to find out The Ability of STMA Trisakti Students’ General Engish Conversation-Skill of Semester II of The Year 2021, especially in the use of English functions. There are three objectives of this research:1) to find out the percentage of the average total score of the error frequency, 2) to find out the percentage of the stimulus total error answers, and 3) to find out the percentage of the response total error answers. The method and the technique used are qualitative and comparative using a test form based on the functions taught in Hemispheres 1 and Hemispheres 3, beside that simple quantitative method is used to provide the average value using mean and percentage counting. The results show that: 1) the percentage of the average total score of the error frequency is 15.92% (the average total score achieved is 84,04%), 2) the percentage of the stimulus total error answers is 19.26% (the average total correct answers achieved is 80.74%), 3) the percentage of the response total error answers is 18.4% (the average total correct answers achieved is 81.6%). These data show that the achiement is relatively high, however, when comparing the students’ achievement in response and stimulus, it can be concluded that teachers and the learners need to give more attention to stimulus better. Key Words: Ability, Functions, Stimulus, Response |
Name : | PENELITIAN_21.pdf | Format : | DOWNLOAD | |
Size : | 0.57 MB | Description : | file |
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