Date Issued | 08/16/2016 |
Subject | E-POLICY |
Abstract | This research aims to determine whether or not an effective and efficient implementation of policy delivery by using e-policy compared to using couriers on product Mandiri Hospitalife PT AXA Mandiri Financial Services. This research is based on comparing the time and cost needed between delivery using the old method, namely a courier with a new method that is e-policy. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach. The method used is descriptive method by collecting actual data, presenting, and analyzing how effective and efficient delivery of the policy by using e-policy compared to using couriers on product Mandiri Hospitalife PT AXA Mandiri Financial Services. In this paper, the author uses the method of literature and field research methods is by observation directly to the head office of PT AXA Mandiri Financial Services to obtain data on related systems and interviewed relevant departments Manager. Source of data used in the study include secondary data is the data obtained on the system. Based on the analysis of existing data so far found any more effective results in terms of time and cost efficient use of e-policy than courier. keys : evaluation, e-policy |
Name : | 9-BAB 1-done.pdf | Format : | Please Sign in to download file | |
Size : | 0.32 MB | Description : | Bab 1 |
Name : | 10-BAB 2-done.pdf | Format : | Please Sign in to download file | |
Size : | 0.36 MB | Description : | Bab 2 |
Name : | 11-BAB 3-done.pdf | Format : | Please Sign in to download file | |
Size : | 0.23 MB | Description : | Bab 3 |
Name : | 12-BAB 4-done.pdf | Format : | Please Sign in to download file | |
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Name : | 13-BAB 5-done.pdf | Format : | Please Sign in to download file | |
Size : | 1.13 MB | Description : | Bab 5 |
Name : | 14-BAB 6-done.pdf | Format : | Please Sign in to download file | |
Size : | 0.09 MB | Description : | Bab 6 |
Name : | 15-DAFTAR PUSTAKA-done.pdf | Format : | Please Sign in to download file | |
Size : | 0.02 MB | Description : | Daftar Pustaka |
Name : | 1-COVER1-done.pdf | Format : | Please Sign in to download file | |
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Name : | hal.judul.pdf | Format : | Please Sign in to download file | |
Size : | 0.63 MB | Description : | halaman judul |
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