Author | Wiwik Eka Eriyanti |
Date Issued | 08/28/2017 |
Abstract | The author raised this theme because the warehouse occupation have a lot policy second largest after dwelling house and the occupational very familiar encountered by undewriter. This could be an opportunity to make a profit if it can be managed with care and with the principle of prudent underwriting .This type of research using qualitative types with data obtained from the in-depth interview, research library (library research) and case study towards the claim. Firstly study company's portfolio to fnd the type of claim and then separated to obtain the data warehouse occupation of both production as well as claims. Warehouse portofolio will analized and the type of datas will be use to arrange interview material to claim departement, underwriter and wareohouse person in charge. The purpose of this research were to (1) How warehouse claim impacted by its underwriting process; (2) How to reduce the claims on occupational warehouse. The datas used in the research primary data obtained from interviews of several sources who knows about the research theme (ie underwriter, warehouse owners, claim departement and surveyor), while the primary data is from internal data PT ACA (ie business portfolio PT ACA from 2010 to 2015, risk survey report, claim survey report, chelist survey,etc). Keywords: warehouse, underwting process, claim warehouse |
Name : | FINAL Wiwik eka eriyanti - 17 FEB 2017.pdf | Format : | Please Sign in to download file | |
Size : | 1.21 MB | Description : | File |
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