Abstract | Money laundering crime is a process or action that aims to conceal or disguise the origin of money or property that was obtained from the proceeds of crime which is converted into a property that seems to come from a legitimate activity. This crime carried out by various methods and modes, including through the placement on insurance companies. the objective of PT AXA Financial implement of Know Your Customer Principles (KYC) in the underwriting process is to prevent and detract from money laundering crime. This research aims to analysis implementation of KYC (know your customer) in underwriting process in order to prevent the money laundering in PT AXA Financial and to know what instrument that in use in this application. This research is a qualitative research conducted by document analysis and interviews with insurers and clients associated with the implementation of Know Your Customer Principles in PT AXA Financial. The results showed that PT AXA Financial has implemented the principle of know your customer and use SPAJ as an instrument of the implementation. But the implementation of the principle of know your customer in PT AXA Financial has not run effectively and consistently, there are some problems on the principle of know your customer procedures so that there is still room for criminals to commit money laundering. Key words: KYC (know your customer), Prevention of money laundering, Underwriting process |
Putri Melati Kresna Dewi | 15 Jun 2021
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Laba sebelum pajak adalah laba bersih hasil usaha setelah ditambah/dikurangi rugi/laba yang berasal dari luar usaha pokok. Menghitung laba sebelum pajak sebenarnya tidak begitu sulit. Rumus umumnya ad...
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