Abstract | This study aims to determine the effect of gross premium income of fire insurance and gross claims of fire insurance coverage to the gross underwriting of fire insurance. Research conducted on insurance company PT. Jasaraharja Putera. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive. The analysis test used is multiple linear regression with α = 0,05. The results and conclusions of this study indicate that: partial significance test t (statistical test t) gross premium income of fire insurance (X1) has a positive and significant effect on the gross underwriting result of fire insurance (Y). This is evidenced by the significance of t value of 0.000 (<0.05) and the gross claim of fire insurance (X2) has a negative and significant effect on the gross underwriting result of fire insurance (Y). This is evidenced by the significance of t of 0.002 (<0.05). Simultaneous test (F statistic test) independent variable that is gross premium income of fire insurance and gross claim of insurance fire influence to dependent variable that is result of gross underwriting of fire insurance at PT. Jasaraharja Putera, having a F-count value of 42.801> F-table value of 0.05 and an F significance value of 0.000 less than an alpha value of 0.05 (0,000 <0.05). The result of analysis in this study shows that the coefficient of determination (R square) obtained value of 0.877, which means the underwriting results can be explained or influenced by the factors of model x that is gross premium income and gross claims expense of 87.7%, and can said that there are other factors that can affect the results of underwriting of 12.3% influenced by other variables that are not researched by researchers such as reinsurance premiums, commissions and operating expenses. Keywords : gross premium of fire insurance, gross claim of fire insurance, and gross underwriting of fire insurance. |
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