Abstract | The purpose of this research is to analysis the influence of promotion and quality of service to the decision purchase of insurance products at PT BRIngin Life Syaria Insurance. The analysis tools used in this research are quantitative analysis (validity and reliability test), multiple regression analysis, classical assumption test (normality, multicollinearity, autocorrelation and heteroscedasticity), determination coefficient, t test and f test. The population in this study are customers who have purchased insurance products at PT. Bringin Life Syaria Insurance. In this study taken 75 respondents as a sample. Sample calculation using SPSS 24 application. From result of multiple regression analysis got regression equation Y = 6,301 + 0,539X1 + 0,362X2. It means that promotion variable and service quality have positive effect to purchasing decision. While from the hypothesis test obtained value t arithmetic for promotional variables (X1) of 4.472 with a significant level of 0.000 and t count the variable quality of service (X2) of 4,069 with a significant level of 0.000. Thus the result of t test analysis express significant result for all variable and hypothesis Ha accepted which mean promotion variable and service quality have significant influence to variable of purchasing decision. The result of multiple regression analysis also shows the value of coefficient of determination or adjusted R Square equal to 0,573 which means promotion variable and service quality influence buying decision equal to 57,3%, while 42,7% influenced by other variable not observed in this research. Keyword : promotion, service, decision purchase |
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