Abstract | The purpose of this work practice report is to explain the surety bond underwriting process on the performance bond of PT Tugu Kresna Pratama. In the implementation of The project the procurement of goods/services must have risks. Risk can be the responsibility of the employer (obligee) and the executor (principal). To overcome the fatlure of project implementation, both parties in the contract need to transfer risk to a Surety compamy with a surety bond. In practice there are two guarantees that are used as collateral for projects, by insurance companies. One type of surety bond is a performance bond, which is a guarantees that the principal will complete the work in accordance with the provisions of the construction work contract. The performance bond does not providing 100% collateral if according to prudent underwriting results that the is truly capable in accordance with the contract: In the underwriting process, used is "5C risk assessment" character, capacity, capital, condition, collateral) while the data used is sourced from laws, books, journals, internet, interviews, and company standard operating procedures, as well as workshops. Based on the results of the implementation of the surety bond underwriting process work practices, especially performance bond, the importance of socialization to marketing supported by web-based applications and/or objects (desktops) will facilitate the performance of underwriters effectively and efficiently. Keywords: Underwriting process, surety bond, performance bond, PT Tugu Kresna Pratama, |
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