Abstract | Surety Bond is an innovative product that is offered by the insurance company as a takeover attempt the potential risk of loss that may be experienced by one of the parties, generally the owner of the project (bouheer) for the trust given to other parties (contractors) in the execution of the contract of chartering agreed by they. The written guarantee by law would create an obligation for insurance companies as guarantor (surety) to the insured party (obligee / Creditors) as a consequence of the wan achievement of the guaranteed party (principal / debtor) is. suretyship is a guarantee that is indemnity, where the surety as guarantor is positioned the same as the principal debtor shall be mutually obliged to settle obligations to the obligee (creditor, where the position of surety will automatically be parallel to the principal debtor when the principal debtor is unable to complete its obligations to creditors as contained in article 1316 Indonesian Civil Code, which essentially is an agreement where the guarantor (Garant) ensures that a third party will do something which is usually but not always and should be action to close a particular treaty. Keywords: agreement, surety bond, insurance |
Repository Admin | 27 Sep 2021
Repository Admin | 01 Sep 2021
Admin | 24 Jun 2021
This research was conducted with the aim to find out the effect training and
implementation SOP on service quality in the operation division of PT Asuransi
Jiwa Nasional.The research method used is...
Admin | 23 Aug 2021
Pelayanan jasa merupakan salah satu hal yang cukup penting dalam menentukan
kepuasan pelanggan (kata pelanggan disini berarti tertanggung). Layanan yang
baik menjadi salah satu syarat kesuksesan sua...
Admin | 12 Aug 2021
Penelitian ini untuk menjawab masalah seberapa besar pengaruh pendapatan
premi bersih dan biaya klaim atas hasil underwriting pada PT Harta Aman
Pratama, Tbk pada tahun 2012-2016. Tujuan penelitian...
Repository Admin | 25 Aug 2021
Admin | 10 Aug 2021
Reserves is a very important for running business well in
insurance industry. A company without establishing reserves in their
financial report would not be able to stabilize their business and
Repository Admin | 09 Aug 2021
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji secara empiris pengaruh kualitas sumber daya manusia (SDM) dan gaya kepemimpinan terhadap kinerja karyawan. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti mengkaji kinerja karya...
Admin | 24 Aug 2021
The problem in this research is: How is mapping of products portfolios motor
vehicles sharia by XYZ Insurance using Matrix Boston Consulting Group (BCG).
The purpose of this study is: to analyze map...
Admin | 05 Aug 2021
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dan kontribusi pendapatan premi neto, beban klaim neto, dan beban operasional terhadap laba bersih perusalaan asuransi jiwa di Indonesi...
Admin | 14 Oct 2021
This study aims to analyze the cause of the rejection of claims reimbursement Reliance Insurance Indonesia Company in 2011. To get the analysis of the cause of rejection of the writer tries to make a...
Admin | 23 Aug 2021
Pelayanan jasa merupakan salah satu hal yang cukup penting dalam menentukan
kepuasan pelanggan (kata pelanggan disini berarti tertanggung). Layanan yang
baik menjadi salah satu syarat kesuksesan sua...
Admin | 23 Jun 2021
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelayanan dan harga premi
terhadap keputusan seleksi perusahaan asuransi. Metode yang digunakan dalam
penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif, hasil dan...
Repository Admin | 30 Jun 2021
Skripsi ini yang membahas tentang "Hubungan Persepsi dengan Minat masyarakat Umat Kristiani untuk berasuransi Syariah di RW 07 Kelurahan Kayu Putih ini merupakan hasil penelitian yang memiliki tujuan...
Repository Admin | 03 Aug 2021
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh jumlah klaim cabang Jakarta dan cabang Medan yang tinggi dibandingkan dengan cabang lain selain kedua cabang tersebut. Semakin besar klaim kedua cabang tersebut ak...
Admin | 03 Aug 2021
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Pelayanan Dalam Bidang
Pemasaran dan Bidang Klaim Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan PT Bosowa Asuransi.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif,...
Admin | 03 Aug 2021
Penelitian ini diberi judul “Pengaruh Total Keseluruhan pendapatan premi dan Beban klaim terhadap underwriting result pada PT Asuransi QBE Pool Indonesia periode 2013-2017. Penelitian ini dilakukan di...
Admin | 05 Aug 2021
This thesis is about connection quality service pre sales and quality service
pasca sales with direct premium income of PT Asuransi Staco Mandiri (Bough
Office). This thesis researches to find out i...
Admin | 05 Aug 2021
This thesis research the production of an insurance policy motor vehicles through bancassurance distribution have leverage on the number of the an insurance policy motor vehieles so research it is giv...
Repository Admin | 09 Aug 2021
The purpose of this study is to know the partial and simultaneous influence of corporate image and employee performance to the satisfaction of the insured. The population in this study are customers o...