Title | Proses Akseptasi Asuransi Jiwa Kredit Kumpulan " Housing Loan Credit Life" di PT Chubb Life Insurance Indonesia |
Author | Hany Azizah |
Abstract | Everyone who do not have financial capacity, buying a house in eash is an obstacle. One alternative is funding from banks tike housing loan. In order to avoid the occurrence of bad credit the bank provides protection Customers insurance company. This insurance product is a requirement to obtain a banking product. This insurance product is marketed through a bancassurance distribution channel with a form of reference marketing in the framework of bank products intended for the interests and protection of banks for the risk of bad credit. This insurance program is beneficial for bank customers if they die during the insurance period, the insurance company will pay a sum of cash that has been agreed upon by the insurance company with the bank so that it protects the bank from the risk of bad credit Keywords : Risk of bad credit, Housing loan, Bancassurance |
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