Admin | 15 Nov 2021
The intent and purpose of this paper is to know how does the fire claim
procedure at Cikini Branch of PT Asuransi Central Asia. Process of handling
claims is important because as sales service in in...
Admin | 15 Nov 2021
Endorsement is the change of data on the insurance policy caused by the
change of data of the insured and the insurance object so that it will be subject to
additional premium and administrative fee...
Admin | 16 Nov 2021
The development of the era i very rapidly from vear to year, the risk of risk that occurs when driving also increases with the development of the era, users of two- wheeled vehicles and four wheels co...
Admin | 16 Nov 2021
Everyone can not detach from the risk which aim to financial loss. According to the fact, we must to have a protection to avoid the risk and insurance is a one of solution, Insurance company has marke...
Admin | 16 Nov 2021
PT Asuransi EPG Indonesia is one Insurance Company in Indonesia, established since 1866. The author of this work practice intends to full fill requirements for obtaining the title Insurance Diploma. T...
Admin | 16 Nov 2021
PT Reasuransi Nasional Indonesia through the Risk Management Division conducts the process of implementing risk munagentent in the company. The process must be supported by corporate governance dand s...
Admin | 16 Nov 2021
The intent and purpose of this paper is to know how the process of marketing in otomate insurance especially the main business through insurance broker. As we know, many Insurance company use insuranc...
Admin | 16 Nov 2021
Agriculture basicaälly a risky business. Therefore, it needs an insurance protection to. prevent a farmer's big loss due to uncertain condition. Jasindo is seeing that this is a potential business to...
Admin | 17 Nov 2021
The background of this report is to know the process claim at PT Krida
Upaya Tunggal as Insurance Broker. Performed by claim division. In addition
will be describe how easy claim settlement process...
Admin | 17 Nov 2021
PT BRI Life Insurance is one of the life insurance companies in
Indonesia. One of the insurance products that exist in PT Asuransi BRI Life is
Inbranch Sales product that is unitlink policy and trad...
Admin | 17 Nov 2021
Refund is excess premiums paid at the time the debtor has repaid to perform
additional loan amount. Research on " Refund Process Participant Life Insurance
Product Credit At PT Adonai Insurance Brok...
Admin | 17 Nov 2021
As the brokerage firm insurance , PT. Nusantara Insurance Broker and
Consultant is very understanding of the most important part in the insurance, its
is Claim Insurance and the process of resolving...
Admin | 17 Nov 2021
As the firm insurance, PT Asuransi Jasa Indoenesia is very understanding of the
most important part in the insurance, its Claim recoveryInsurance and the
process of handling insurance claims recover...
Admin | 18 Nov 2021
As the life insurance, PT Asuransi Jiwasrtya is very understanding of the
most important part in the insurance, its verification of insurance's cloim and the
process of handling insurance claims.Thi...
Admin | 18 Nov 2021
PT. Bess Central Insurance is one of the Commercial Insurance Company
in Indonesia with specifically on General Insurance. One type of product on
General Insurance is Motor Vehicle Insurance.
In th...
Admin | 18 Nov 2021
The Developing of transportasion requirement as the which one of important
factors supporting people activities, that comparable with the occurred accident
possibility. Of course this is will give a...
Admin | 18 Nov 2021
Settlement of claims for policyholders motor’s insurance in PT Royal
Conocean International Adjustment by approved claims filed by the insured in
accordance with the procedures specified by the PT R...
Admin | 18 Nov 2021
Admınıstrative process is an activity that can not be separated from the company's performance improve quality, it is not only in Tehnical Administration Departemnet, but also in other division as wel...
Admin | 18 Nov 2021
The background of this research is to know how the importance of analysis
of administrative process and services performed by Policy Holder Services
Department for their client or insured. As we kno...
Admin | 18 Nov 2021
Insurance is one of the alternative options in managing risk in terms of a
person's economic losses. The attachment between the insurer or the insurer with
the insured or the customer begins with th...
Repository Admin | 25 Aug 2021
Admin | 23 Aug 2021
Repository Admin | 18 Nov 2021
Peralihan musim kemarau ke musim hujan ditandai dengan perubahan cuaca yang terjadi secara cepat dan tiba-tiba. Fenomena ekstrim serupa itu biasanya berupa perubahan cepat cuaca. Pagi hingga siang pan...
Repository Admin | 23 Aug 2021
PT. Artha Graha Insurance set the profitability target about 10 % from the total of vehicles product insurance premium for the last three years (2013 to 2015). Products profitability which are expecte...
Admin | 19 Aug 2021
This research aims to examine the connection corporate image and quality service
motor vehicle insurance to customer satisfaction of PT Asuransi Staco Mandiri main branch
Office Jakarta. The data us...
Admin | 19 Aug 2021
Admin | 04 Aug 2021
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Strategi Pemasaran
dan Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Kepuasan Nasabah Direct Business dalam
Asuransi Kendaraan Bermotor Pada PT Asuransi Bangun Askri...
Admin | 23 Jun 2021
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelayanan dan harga premi
terhadap keputusan seleksi perusahaan asuransi. Metode yang digunakan dalam
penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif, hasil dan...
Admin | 23 Aug 2021
Pelayanan jasa merupakan salah satu hal yang cukup penting dalam menentukan
kepuasan pelanggan (kata pelanggan disini berarti tertanggung). Layanan yang
baik menjadi salah satu syarat kesuksesan sua...
Admin | 16 Aug 2021
This research was conducted in order to find out the effect of investment earning
rate and inflation rate to claim reserve of general insurance company in 2011 –
2015. Secondary data was obtained fr...
Repository Admin | 01 Apr 2021
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelatihan dan promosi jabatan terhadap kepuasan kerja karyawan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini
adalah kuantitatif, hasil dan kesimpulan...
Admin | 30 Jun 2021
This study looks for the influence of revenue contribution, investmen treturns and operating expenses no Ujrah's net income. The research was conducted in PT Tugu Pratama Indonesia asyariah unit. This...
Repository Admin | 30 Jun 2021
Skripsi ini yang membahas tentang "Hubungan Persepsi dengan Minat masyarakat Umat Kristiani untuk berasuransi Syariah di RW 07 Kelurahan Kayu Putih ini merupakan hasil penelitian yang memiliki tujuan...
Repository Admin | 09 Sep 2021
This thesis title is “Studi Akseptasi Asuransi Kendaraan Bermotor Ditinjau Dari Proses Akseptasi dan Klaim Serta Tingginya Rasio Klaim”. This study purpose to find out about the claims settlement proc...
Admin | 03 Aug 2021
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan tarip premi produk
Asuransi Jiwa Kredit berdasarkan Tabel Mortalitas CSO 80 dan Tabel Mortalitas CSO 80 yang telah dimodifikasi oleh AJB B...
Admin | 05 Aug 2021
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adakah pengaruh dan seberapa besar pengaruh variabel Biaya Klaim Bruto dan Biaya Akuisisi terhadap penentuan premi bruto pada lini bisnis Asuransi konstruksi....
Repository Admin | 16 Jun 2021
Erection All Risks is an insurance that guarantees all risks of loss or damage that occurs in the process of installing or instalation machines (except for a few risks listed in the exception). In thi...
Admin | 19 Aug 2021
Admin | 24 Aug 2021
Putri Melati Kresna Dewi | 23 Jun 2021
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menguji hubungan penilaian fasilitas
klaim dan kualitas pelayanan klaim dengan kepuasan nasabah asuransi kendaraan
bermotor PT Asuransi Adira Dinamika....