Putri Melati Kresna Dewi | 21 Jun 2021
PT Asuransi Binagriya Upakara is a general insurance company that has
general insurance products, one of which is a motor vehicle insurance product
called Oto Pro. Motor vehicle insurance at PT Asur...
Putri Melati Kresna Dewi | 21 Jun 2021
Collection is one part of an insurance company whose duty is to collect and receive insurance premiums of customers. Tell customers if the premium payment is late or not paid within a certain period o...
Putri Melati Kresna Dewi | 21 Jun 2021
PT Reasuransi MAIPARK Indonesia is the only reinsurance company in
Indonesia established to assist insurance companies expanding their
underwriting capabilities and managing their financial health a...
Putri Melati Kresna Dewi | 21 Jun 2021
PT KSK Insurance Indonesia is one of the Commercial Insurance Company in
Indonesia with specifically on General Insurance. One type of product on General
Insurance is Fire Insurance. Fire Insurance...
Admin | 21 Jun 2021
The lending activities carried out by the Bank are activities that have great potential in providing incomte to the Bank. Of course, in the credit distribution there are risks that might be experience...
Admin | 21 Jun 2021
Monitoring is an activity aimed at providing information about the causes and consequences of a policy that is being implemented. Monitoring is the last function that must be carried out in management...
Repository Admin | 21 Jun 2021
The intent and purpose of this paper is to know how the process of closing and underwriting in property insurance especially the main business through agent and insurance broker. As we know, many insu...
Admin | 21 Jun 2021
PT Bosowa Insurance is one of the general insurance companies. One type
of insurance product is fire insurance. This work practice report aims to find out
the process for issuing fire insurance poli...
Repository Admin | 21 Jun 2021
Money Insurance or Money Insurance is an insurance product that guarantees money from various risks that result in a loss during storage and in the shipping process. There are several processes in clo...
Admin | 21 Jun 2021
PT Dwi Dhama Utama is a company engaged in the field of risk munagement de consultanis, provides services to assist insurance companies in conducting risk surveys to prospective elients or insured Fro...
Admin | 22 Jun 2021
PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia is a general insurance has the process recovery claim. Recovery claim is a collection process for claims that have back up reinsurance. In processing the recovery claim, ins...
Admin | 22 Jun 2021
As an Insurance Broker and Consultant, PT Tri Dharma Proteksi understands the most importanr part of the ehicle Insurance Closing Report. This Practicum aims purpose to bring experience and the knowle...
Admin | 22 Jun 2021
The purpose of this work diseussion is to deseribe or explain the procedure of the Termination of Facultative Reinsurance of Motor Vehicle Iasuranice, The terminution procedure starts when the insuran...
Admin | 22 Jun 2021
This background is the result of result of research in PT Life Insurance
Central Asia Raya, the purpose of this research is to know the process of payment
of claims made by insurance companies to th...
Admin | 23 Jun 2021
The background of this research is to find out the process of claiming for
educational scholarship partner products in the branch office of AJB
BUMIPUTERA 1912 Explained by the claims section, in ad...
Admin | 29 Sep 2021
As the RiskManagementand CowultantsInsurance,PT Dwi Dharma Utamais
verywtderstandingof themostimportantpart in theSurleyReportInsurance.
Ihis Practicamaimspurposeto bring acperience andthelmowledget...
Admin | 27 Oct 2021
PT Asuransi Jiwa Inhealth Indonesia or caled Mandiri Inhealth creates a eredir life insuranee produet based on the meeds of the Bank and adapted to the prevailing provisions in the insurance business...
Admin | 27 Oct 2021
Life insurance in the field of telemarketing is an insurance program n waten insurance companies provide coverage for losses due to uncertain events, Di The insurance marketing process is done through...
Admin | 27 Oct 2021
Intent and purpose in this paper is to know how important the role of agent in inceasing the premium income of in PT.Asuransi Central Asia, I as a marketing in PT.Asuransi Central Asia Should be able...
Admin | 27 Oct 2021
This report discusses about The Claim handling process of marine Hull
insurance at PT.Pacific Indonesia Berjaya . It is motivated because people still do
not understand about the content on contract...
Repository Admin | 23 Mar 2021
Catur Widyo Utomo. Estimasi Perhitungan Cadangan Manfaat Asuransi Jiwa Kredit untuk Nasabah Pensiun Bank Bukopin sebagai Evaluasi Produk bagi PT. Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) Tbk. Dibimbing Oleh Mulaw...
Repository Admin | 01 Apr 2021
The implementation of a construction project is one of the activities that it has high risk. Risks to construction projects can result in damage to physical construction and losses to the parties invo...
Repository Admin | 23 Mar 2021
Background research that I want to discuss the process of invesment fund analysis in part commonly called redeem and service, wich is carried out by policy holder service department. As we expect, mos...
Repository Admin | 24 May 2021
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh antara tingkat pengetahuan dan tingkat kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap minat beli asuransi kendaraan bermotor. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada salah sa...
Repository Admin | 01 Apr 2021
Repository Admin | 01 Apr 2021
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengetahuan dan minat masyarakat membeli asuransi kendaraan bermotor di Perumahan Villa Gading Harapan Kec.Babelan, Kel. Kebalen, Bekasi utara. Metod...
Repository Admin | 01 Apr 2021
Repository Admin | 23 Mar 2021
Underwriting adalah bagian yang vital bagi perusahaan asuransi. Underwriting yang berperan sebagai penyeleksi risiko yang akan diterima oleh perusahaan asuransi dari para calon tertanggung. Dalam perj...
Repository Admin | 22 Apr 2021
Repository Admin | 01 Apr 2021
Admin | 03 Aug 2021
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan persepsi risiko dan tingkat
pendapatan dengan minat beli produk asuransi umum pada generasi milenial di
Jakarta. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adal...
Repository Admin | 01 Apr 2021
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh persepsi dan tingkat pendapatan terhadap minat beli khususnya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif, hasil dan kesimpulan pe...
Repository Admin | 17 Jan 2023
1. Magang Profesi yang dilaksanakan penulis bertempat pada PT Asuransi Purna Arthanugraha (Aspan) di Divisi Underwriting.
2. Dalam pelaksanaan magang, penulis melaksanakan beberapa bidang pekerjaan,...
Admin | 23 Aug 2021
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penerapan manajemen risiko terhadap
piutang tak tertagih bengkel rekanan. Manajemen risiko yang dimaksud adalah
menghitung frekuensi dan besaran dari keru...
Repository Admin | 01 Apr 2021
Risk Management is a set of processes or methods in carrying out the process of identifying, measuring, monitoring and controlling risks. The application of risk management is expected to provide more...
Repository Admin | 27 Sep 2021
Penelitian dengan judul Penurunan Omset Penjualan Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) yang berjualan disekitar Kampus selama pandemic covid 19, tujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat penurunan omset dihada...
Repository Admin | 08 Jan 2024
Penulisan laporan magang ini dibuat sebagai salah satu syarat kelulusan pada mata kuliah magang profesi di semester 7. Selain menambah pengalaman kegiatan magang ini sendiri memiliki tujuan sebagai pe...
Repository Admin | 15 Dec 2022
Kuliah Kerja Magang merupakan salah satu syarat pemenuh SKS semester tujuh program study S1 Aktuaria di Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Asuransi Trisakti. Kegiatan Magang sangat bermanfaat bagi mahasiswa kar...
Repository Admin | 19 Jan 2023
Melakukan kegiatan magang atau dapat disebut program Co-op Education merupakan salah satu mata kuliah yang terdapat pada kurikulum program S1 Aktuaria yang harus dilaksanakan oleh mahasiswa serta menj...
Repository Admin | 01 Apr 2021
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh premi retensi sendiri dan klaim retensi sendiri terhadap hasil underwriting bruto. Sehingga penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai ide untuk membuat...