Author | Suci Widiyanti |
Abstract | The title “Data Entry Processing at PT Asuransi Nipponkoa Indonesia” especially in the Property insurance line of business is chosen to describe the importance tasks and roles of Inputer and its impact if the data is incorrectly input in the system. Life is full of risks, which we cannot predict when it is going to happen. We never know when a disaster such as fire, flood, or earthquake will come hit and destroy our assets. If it occurs, we have to prepare ourselves for the loss both in material and financial. There are some ways for a company can prevent from suffering a great loss, one of them is by transferring the part or all risks to insurance. Insurance is a risk-transfer mechanism, which can provides indemnity up to maximum sum insured if a loss occurs. In today’s time, with the fast development of technology, the insurance industry is going bigger as well. The system used for entering client’s data is also developed as well. The continuing development causing the risks faced by the company is also growing. The probability of suffering a bigger financial loss is also faced by the company. Therefore the needs to minimize the financial loss is also increase. Insurance is developed to provide the company with a peace of mind. To be able to compete in the market, insurance company must be managed by professional, skilled and reliable insurance expertise. They also have a top-notch system that can process the client’s proposal. Other than upgrade system, human factor also plays an important part. And that is the people whom task is entering the data from the application into the system to issue the policy document. They are called “Inputer”. A company consists of many divisions which depends each other. One division is the “Data Processing System” where the policy document is processed by Inputer. Inputer tasks are not just entering the data correctly, but also they have to check the correctness and the completeness of the data (e.g. name insured, risk location, sum insured, period of insurance, premium calculation etc). Inputer also has to make sure that the terms and conditions of the policy already been approved and according with the underwriter’s approval. With the correct data, Inputer can enter the data into the system and issue a policy document in an effective, efficient and timely manner. A mistake or error in entering data into the system can be fatal. The insurance might not indemnify the loss suffered by the insured. If that happens, the insured’s business might be collapsed. Once the policy document is ready, it can be delivered to the client as prove of contract of insurance. With the policy document, the client can pay the premium as stated in the invoice in time. By paying the premium, client will have the benefit in engaging into contract of insurance. And that is the protection provided by the insurance. Once the client satisfied with the insurance company’s service, it will increase the company’s competitive advantage to compete in the market and eventually improve the company’s performance in the insurance industry. Keywords : Risk, Insurance, Processing, Inputer. |
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