Author | Romdaniyah |
Date Issued | 10/23/2012 |
Abstract | This study aims to analyze the cause of the rejection of claims reimbursement Reliance Insurance Indonesia Company in 2011. To get the analysis of the cause of rejection of the writer tries to make a qualitative descriptive study using secondary data from the system database Claims Department with research sample is all file reimbursement claims were denied payment. The results showed that the amount of reimbursement claim denials reached 11.65% of the total claims received by administrative staff Reliance Insurance Indonesia for 5388 and rejected the file with an increasing trend from 9.60% in January to 16.20% in December 2011. There are several things that cause rejection of reimbursement claims, which were the exception / exclusion, fraud, and the over limit and the provisions of the policy. From the results of the study, concluded that the denial of claims due to the biggest reimbursement over limit that is equal to 48.83% of the total rejection of claims reimbursement. In the second claim denials due to the public policy exception, amounting to 29.91% of the total rejection of claims reimbursement. Furthermore, for the third order is a denial of a claim arising from fraud as much as 18.35% of the total rejection of claims reimbursement. And the fourth is caused by the provisions of the policy as much as 2.91% of the total rejection of claims reimbursement. From the description above, in order to reduce the rejection of reimbursement claims are rejected is conducting ongoing socialization of each company to the understanding of health insurance products collection Reliance Insurance Indonesia Company and claim procedures to be followed to the participants of the contract / policy should be made clear and understood by all parties that the participants really understood about the condition of the policy. Kata kunci : Penolakan Klaim, Reimbursement |
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Size : | 0.11 MB | Description : | Daftar Pustaka |
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