Title | Mitigasi Risiko Letusan Gunung Berapi |
Author | M. Irwandi, S.T., S.H., M.M. |
Abstract | Indonesia is an archipelago country that has the longest volcanic arc in the world. Indonesia has 127 active volcanoes, or about 13% of the active volcanoes are in Indonesia, thus it makes this country as the owner of the most volcanoes in the world. Around 60% of the number are potential volcanoes that have the most potential danger for the people living near to them, so as for the safety and life sustainability of the people, they need to be aware of this danger. For this reason, this research is done with the purpose to find effective ways to reduce the impact of volcanic eruptions to minimize life casualties, property loss, damage to the environment, and disruption of the wheel of the economy of the people around the volcanoes. This research is held using qualitative descriptive and literature study methods. The literature study method is a series of activities related to the lierature data collection method, reading, taking notes, and processing the research material. From this research, it is found out disaster mitigation guidelines of volcanic eruption disaster mitigation in the form of an ESDM Ministerial Decree Number 1915 in the year of 2001 that has a target to reduce the impact of the danger of volcanic eruption disaster and efforts to handle a good and smooth coordinated mitigation handling with the scope of volcanoe research, guidance and information, and communication and reporting. However, the safest is to avoid the threat of volcanoe erruption danger by relocating the people living in the eruption paths to the safest areas. |
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