Author | WIDIYATI |
Abstract | Good service to customer are the important in the success of an enterprise. With good service , so customer will be satisfied and unfaithful to an enterprise .Ease in the service claim to be one of the things that is important to customer, because customer can see the realization of the pledge given by the insurance company. It is not impossible that if the process of its claim good customer are satisfied so customer will extending policy and recommends the insurance concern. Now, in effect in insurance companies in indonesia, reporting insurance claim is still in manual, where customer ve gotta report this and to come to the insurance company with bring vehicles.Triggered by such matter. Pt.Insurance adira the dynamics of make application digital to a claim harm (partial loss and the total loss ) that can be in access dnegan readily through cell phone.Application autocillin mobile claim present with a view to ease customer in reporting claims and provide facilities officers insurance in the collection documents Keyword: customer, claim, application autocillin mobile claim |
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