Abstract | The purpose of this study was to determine the development of product sales Otomate PT Asuransi Central Asia Branch Latumenten West Jakarta. The author's research and writing by using qualitative methods to analyze the data retrieved from the system AS400 PT Asuransi Central Asia Branch Latumenten West Jakarta 2006 - 2015. With the excellent product in the form of PT Asuransi Central Asia, growth in product sales Otomate PT. Asuransi Central Asia Branch Latumenten West Jakarta, the views from the four sides of the Volume of Sales, Revenues Premiums, Claims fees including fees and Underwriting Committee, Whereas the overall increase for 9 years with an average percentage of 12.91%. The development is yet to reach the target set by management amounting to 15%. Where products Otomate quite in demand by customers with sales volume already exceeded the targets set by the company, and supported with a premium income of more than the average that has become a policy of the company, only the division's underwriting is less anticipation for the risk of flood cycle 5 yearly is a natural condition in Jakarta. This resulted in a 5-year during floods in 2012 claim ratio exceeds the target, so the impact on the average underwriting results for 9 years. So from that seen any market segment has not been touched by product Otomate namely the leasing and banking so it's good future can be considered for the establishment of the marketing team specifically to work on this market segment in selling products Otomate to increase product sales Otomate and to be obtained results COB sales of motor vehicles were up for the management of PT. Asuransi Central Asia it is necessary to conduct further research to compare product sales by product Otomate PSKBI ++, and the results of this study are expected to create a more perfect business sense in developing automotive insurance product sales Keywords: Evaluation, sales, Otomate |
Repository Admin | 17 Jun 2021
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Repository Admin | 01 Apr 2021
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Repository Admin | 01 Apr 2021
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