Abstract | This research purposed to describe the practice of underwriting guidelines, analyzing the application of underwriting guidelines that has been applied to maximize underwriting results and propose ways to improve the marine hull insurance underwriting results in PT Tugu Pratama Indonesia. In order to achieve these objectives, the research was conducted using qualitative comparative descriptive using secondary data such as data processing and the management report of primary data in the form of an interview in PT Tugu Pratama Indonesia. The results showed that the application of the practice of underwriting marine hull insurance guidelines on the company can maximize the underwriting results which are reflected in the underwriting results data are likely to increase during the 2010-2014 period. Marine hull insurance underwriting guidelines of PT Tugu Pratama Indonesia set two things: the acceptance of risk and spread risk. Underwriting guidelines must always conform with the treaty renewal program every year, so that policies related to the spread of risk changes if treaty program changes. Meanwhile, underwriting guidelines acceptances very rarely change. Especially in terms of determining the level of risk that is only referring to the provision in the policy underwriting risk classification, regardless of the portfolios of each type of vessel. Therefore, in order to increase the underwriting marine hull insurance results, PT Tugu Pratama Indonesia should undertake periodic review and change both the policy related to the spread of risk and risk acceptance. And with regard to its business portfolio, in addition to fulfilling the provisions of the underwriting guidelines. Keyword: underwriting guidelines, underwriting results, marine hull insurance. |
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