Author | Nur Anisa Muhida |
Abstract | Credibility theory is a rate making process which allows actuary to adjust the future premiums according to the past experience. In credibility theory, there are three approaches to determine estimate credibility C = Z R + (1 - Z) H, where Z is credibility factor, R is the mean of the current obeservation dan H is the prior mean. One of the approach to determine estimate credibility is geratest accuracy credibility approach by using Buhlman and Buhlman-Straub model. Buhlman and Buhlman-Straub defined credibility factor Z as Z = ? ?+? , 0 ≤ Z ≤ 1, n is the number of trial and k is Buhlman and Buhlman-Straub credibility parameter. Credibility theory discusses methods that is used to combine two different estimators to estimate a parameter, so it will produce an estimator that is better then two other estimators before. In insurance, credibility theory is used to find pure premium estimator of a policy holder in a group, by combining his own policy experience and other information, like manual rate or policy experience of that group. Estimator which is obtained by credibility theory is called credibility estimator. There are some approaches to find credibility estimator, this minithesis discusses about greatest accuracy approach (in this case Buhlman and BuhlmanStraub approaches). Those approaches will be used to find pure premium estimator of a group of policy holder in medical insurance. Keyword: Credibility theory, pure premium estimator, Bühlman and BühlmanStraub approach. |
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