Author | Zhillan Zhalila |
Abstract | The purpose of the research is to determine the effect of the changes in calculation of premium reserves and reinsurence assets against the Risk Based Capital (RBC) Schedule D regarding Risks of Claim Experience Worse Than Expected in PT Equity Life Indonesia. The research based on, the establishment of the rule change in life insurance company in which Pernyataan Standar Akuntasi Keuangan (PSAK) 36 revisions in 2012. The regulations explained the change in calculation of premium reserve which previously NPV to Net Premium Valuation (GPV) and the addition of additional reinsurance assets at RBC. The data obtained from PT Equity Life Indonesia. The research using quantitative methods with ex post facto technique. Statistical analysis using two ways analysis of variance (ANOVA) and completed with Tukey analysis. The results of the research there is the influence of changes calculation against RBC Schedule D in PT Equity Life Indonesia. Keyword : Risk Based Capital (RBC), RBC Schedule D regarding Risks of Claim Experience Worse Than Expected, Premium Reserve, PSAK 36 revisions in 2012, Reisurance Asset, Gross Premium Valuation , Netto Premium Valuation |
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