Date Issued | 08/22/2017 |
Abstract | Reinsurance has always been one of the method for the insurance company to prevent them suffering catastrophically due to big loss. Therefore Reinsurance is such a crucial thing for insurance company. One type of reinsurance contract that frequently used is Excess of Loss. In which Excess of Loss has some unique feature that if the loss is bigger than the net retention so the reinsurer must participate in pay the loss, but if the loss is smaller than the net retention the reinsurer will not participate in pay the loss. That's hy net retention is one of the most important in Excess of Loss because its determining whether reinsurer will help to pay the loss or not. This thesis research aims to analyze, is underwriting result and Excess of Loss premium influencing the net retention so that this can be some source of knowledge about Excess of Loss and net retention. This research using descriptive quantitative method, hence the data that researcher will used is secondary data. The researcher collected sample of data 5 years from 2011 - 2015 from PT Reasuransi Nasional Indonesia. Then the data will be tested with analytical test such as normality test, regression test, hypothesis (T & F test). The result of the test reveals that there is positive influences of underwriting result against net retention excess of loss, and there is negative influences of excess of loss premium against net retention excess of loss but the influences not so significant. From the result of the test researcher advise even though the influences not so significant insurance company must still analyze underwriting resul and excess of loss premium so they can setting the most effective and efficient net rentention so both ceding company and reinsurer can maximize the profit from it, and ceding company should always adapt to insurance and reinsurance market. |
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