Title | Analisis Peran Medikolegal dalam Proses Penanganan Klaim Asuransi Tanggung Gugat Profesi Dokter di PT. Asuransi Umum Bumiputera Muda 1967 |
Author | Wisty Atika Virginia |
Abstract | The purpose of this study to describe the handling of claims handling procedures, describing medikolegal role in the process of handling claims, to determine the effectiveness of the procedure or the effectiveness of the role of Claims Handling Professional Liability Insurance in PT. Bumiputera Muda 1967 Insurance. The data used for this study using interviews and other supporting documents relating to Professional Liability Insurance. conclusions of this study are in PT. Bumiputera Muda 1967 Insurance should hold PT. Arah Bangsa Hebat because in there are expert doctors and lawyers that can help solve the case of professional liability insurance claims. There are three crucial role in the settlement of insurance claims medicolegal liability medical profession. There are three crucial role medicolegal in the settlement of professional insurance liability claims. Determining the status of a claim, the acceleration time claims handling, and the determination of the value of the claim. Claims settlement procedures of insurance liability medical profession has been able to run effectively and efficiently It is characterized by the incoming file claims generally can be defined its status within one day, far below the procedures specified in the SOP that is seven days, Settlement claims can generally be resolved through negotiations, with a completion time of at least three months. Determining the value of a claim by a third party (patient) can be negotiated well with the average value of claims fell 10-30%. Advice from the author claims liability insurance medical profession should consist of experts in the law and other related professions such as doctors, Accounting, and other professions. for further research in professional insurance liability, it is better done similar research but with different professions such as bankers and accountants. The will find out whether the team the settlement of insurance claims liability that field has been running effectively and efficiently, which in turn can be determined whether the required third parties to assist settlement of claims as well as the role that has been shown by the team medikolegal on professional insurance liability. Keywords: professional liability insurance, medicolegal, claims handling |
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