Abstract | This thesis examines the income and expenses of insurance business to net income which are converted in the form of underwriting ratio, loss ratio, and return on assets so this rescarch title is the Influence Analysis of Underwriting Ratio and Loss Ratio to the Value Return on Assets at PT Asuransi AXA Indonesia. Aspects of this thesis were 1) underwriting ratio, 2) loss ratio, and 3) return on assets. The type of research in this thesis is a quantitative and the purpose is to describe how the influence among three aspects. The analysis technique that used for this thesis is regression. Results of the analysis in this research there are no strong influence among the underwriting ratio and loss ratio to the return on assets. Thus, by increasing the premium income and doing a better claims management, the company is expected to be able to reduce the claims expense that incurred (loss ratio decreased) and the results of underwriting can be improved (underwriting ratio increased) so the net income of this company may indirectly increase (return on assets could go up). Keyword underwriting ratio, loss ratic, return on assets. |
Repository Admin | 25 Aug 2021
Repository Admin | 23 Aug 2021
Admin | 19 Aug 2021
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This thesis examines the income and expenses of insurance business to net income which are converted in the form of underwriting ratio, loss ratio, and return on assets so this rescarch title is the I...
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Repository Admin | 30 Jun 2021
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Repository Admin | 16 Jun 2021
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