Date Issued | 08/25/2015 |
Abstract | This thesis examines the perceptions of prospective actuary to actuary task. The aim of this research was to determine the prospective actuary perception of the tasks actuary and to determine the prospective actuary perception of the tasks of non actuary who are in the business of the insurance industry. So this research titled prospective actuarial analysis of perceptions regarding the tasks of actuaries. This research was conducted in PPSSA LPMA Trisakti, by distributing questionnaires to 30 prospective actuary. The method used is descriptive qualitative to describe the prospective actuary perception of the tasks actuary. To determine the perceptions of prospective actuary made 3 categorization statement, and the categorization of the first acquired 84% of candidates actuary has a good perception of the taskin accordance SKKNI insurance, 81% of prospective actuary has a good perception on tasks outside SKKNI insurance, and 49.2% of prospective actuary have a pretty good perception of the tasks of non actuary. so that the final result obtained 3 categorization amounted to 71.1% of prosvective actuary has a good perception of the tasks of actuaries. With a percentage value that is not perfect, there are 28.9% of prospective actuaries have different perceptions so it is advisable to research further discusses the differences in these perceptions. In addition to the SKKNI insurance correct some sentences to be easily understood that there is no difference between the perceptions of prospective actuaries. Keywords: perception of the tasks of actuary, SKKNI of insurance |
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