Abstract | PT. Bess Central insurance has a partnership with reinsurance companies in facultative methods and proportional surplus treaties, and has the desire to replace proportional surplus of loss with non proportional excess of loss methods because the proportional surplus reinsurance methods they use have considerable premiums and some special provisions that exclude some occupations, because of this, the authors are interested in analyzing whether the non-proportional excess of loss reinsurance method is better than the proportional surplus reinsurance method by considering cheaper premiums and more flexible terms and conditions and greater capacity so as to minimize facultative processes The author uses statistical data and loss profile of PT. Bess Central insurance in the last 5 years to calculate the estimated non proportional excess of loss premiums with the burning cost. The results of the analysis can be concluded that the non proportional excess of loss reinsurance method is better than the surplus proportional reinsurance method, where the premium for non-proportional excess of loss is cheaper than the surplus and larger capacity proportional reinsurance method. |
Repository Admin | 13 May 2022
Dengan rahmat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, akhirnya penyusunan laporan Pemgabdian kepada Masyarakat ini yang berjudul : Pelatihan Analisis SWOT dan RoadMap SMKN 11 Bandung dan SMK Wahidin Cirebon dapat disele...
Repository Admin | 30 Aug 2021
Judul skripsi pengaruh tingkat pendidikan dan pendapatan terhadap keputusan membeli polis asuransi jiwa syariah. Selama bertahun- tahun nasabah asuransi konvensional dengan syariah sangat berbeda lebi...
Repository Admin | 02 Sep 2021
This research purposed to describe the practice of underwriting
guidelines, analyzing the application of underwriting guidelines that has been applied to maximize underwriting results and propose way...
Repository Admin | 31 Aug 2021
This study aims to determine there is a relationship between factors knowledge, motivation, and trust that affecting people's decision to buy motor vehicle insurance and shows the most dominant factor...
Repository Admin | 25 Aug 2022
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis perbedaan rasio RBC antara perusahaan asuransi jiwa nasional dengan perusahaan asuransi jiwa patungan dan menganalisis dampak perbedaan rasio RBC bagi masyara...
Repository Admin | 31 Aug 2021
Credibility theory is a rate making process which allows actuary to adjust the future premiums according to the past experience. In credibility theory, there are three approaches to determine estimate...
Repository Admin | 27 Apr 2022
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguraikan dan menjelaskan fenomena yang terjadi di masyarakat saat ini guna menjalankan usaha secara mandiri dan bebas. Menjadi wirausahawan atau pemilik bisn...
Repository Admin | 09 Jun 2022
The use of technological advances in the financial sector is growing rapidly. Technological innovations present a more practical financial transaction process, one of which is applied to online loans....
Repository Admin | 31 Aug 2021
Penyelenggaraan jaminan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia
diamanatkan dalam Undang-Undang Dasar (UUD) Tahun 1945 Pasal 28 H dan Undang-Undang Nomor 36 Tahun 2009 tentang Kesehatan. Kedua Undang-Un...
Repository Admin | 15 Dec 2021
Brand awareness is a degree of the society’s knowledge of a brand or trademark. When the brand is well known in the society, the products which are offered
will be easier to be accepted by the societ...
Repository Admin | 06 Sep 2021
Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah
melimpahkan rahmat dan kasih sayang-Nya, sehingga kami dapat menyelesaikan laporan kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) ini. Adapun k...
Repository Admin | 24 Aug 2021
Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT. yang telah melimpahkan rahmat dan kasih sayang-Nya, sehingga kami dapat menyelesaikan laporan kegiatan Pengabdian
Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) ini. Adapun k...
Repository Admin | 31 Aug 2021
This research aims to determine whether or not an effective and efficient
implementation of policy delivery by using e-policy compared to using couriers on
product Mandiri Hospitalife PT AXA Mandiri...
Repository Admin | 06 Sep 2021
My thesis discusses about "Medical Malpractice Case Analysis is
reviewed From Viewpoint Liability insurance of PT. QBE Insurance Pool Indonesia " is the result of research which has the objective to...