Abstract | Money Insurance or Money Insurance is an insurance product that guarantees money from various risks that result in a loss during storage and in the shipping process. There are several processes in closing Money Insurance that must be done well so that the insurance company does not experience losses when closing is done in the company because the Money Insurance product is very diverse in that it can cause a loss. An underwriter of an insurance company has a stake in insurance coverage, if an Underwriter can understand a risk that will be closed then they will be far from loss, Underwriters must be able to analyze the risk that will be insured whether the risk can be accepted or rejected other than Underwriter must he able to provide some restrictions that may and may nat be made during the insurance period with the aim of minimizing the chances of the risk itself The purpose of this research is to find out how the process of closing Money Insurance at PT Asuransi Bangun Askrida. How the closure process will be fully explained in this study. This research uses data obtained from offices, campus libraries, and internet browsing. Keywords: insurance, money insurance, underwriter. |
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