Abstract | Every insurance company has a method or process of printing different policies, The policy is printed according to the needs of the insured, the contents of the policy are also adjusted to the product purchased by the policy holder as a guideline in insurance. Wanaartha Life is one company that offers whole life insurance coverage to prospective insured. This final project aims to find out how the policy print process and what obstacles occur when the policy print pracess takes place at Wanaartha Life. The research methods in this Final Project are work practice methods, ovservation, interviews, and literature studies. This Final Project can show that there are several obstaeles that hinder the poliey printing process in Wanaartha Life, namely the printer machine that has errars but the length of time the repairs; The process of downloading policies from a system that takes a long time; There is a change in the dula of the policyholders or the insured that has been approved in the amendments during the data policy printing process at SPAJ with different policy data, ihis has led to a longer policy of printing the policy. Keywords : Insurance, Whole Life Insurance, Insurance Policy, Process |
Admin | 10 Aug 2021
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh premi retensi fakultatif dan klaim retensi fakultatif terhadap hasil underwrting netto pada lini bisnis asuransi harta benda. Penelitian dilakukan di...
Admin | 03 Aug 2021
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Admin | 30 Jun 2021
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Admin | 04 Aug 2021
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Repository Admin | 22 Jun 2021
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Admin | 23 Jun 2021
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Admin | 01 Jul 2021
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Admin | 01 Jul 2021
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