Abstract | The benefits of credit for the economy of modern society are generally recognized as a key facior in accelerating economic growth, but the use of credit has many complex problems. One of them is that debt risk is unpaid because of a disaster. that is often beyond the control of the debtor called bad credit. A protection if you die later anid still have installments of credit payments, that insurance witl protect the transfer of debt from the debtor to the heirs. Increased publico awareness of the importance of insurance prolection for various types of credit risk thal can occur is one of the causes of the increase in credit inSurance buyers lately, So that the insurance company must pass the risk to the reinsurance company. Limited relationship with reinsurance compuanies, insurance companies require reinsurance brokerage services as intermediaries and consultants. The writer's: aim is to explain the duties of reinsurance brokers in the procedure for closing credit renewal treaty. Renewal treaty is an extension of proportional reinsurance contract, namely a quota share, where in the reinsurance will bear proportionally every loss that must be paid by the session giver (ceding company) and will receive a premium from each insurer based on the same balance minus the reinsurance commission. To obtain references the writer does a work placement in PT Pialang Reasuransi Dekai Indonesia PT Pialang Reasuransi Dekai Indonesia is one of the reinsurance brokerage compamies that provides intermediary services and consultants with reinsurance companies. PT Pialang Reasuransi Dekal Indonesia is a business entity engaged in reinsurance hrokers in Indonesia as a provider of intermediary services between insurance companies (asuradur) and reinsurance companies (reinsurers) with high standards of integrity and expertise. One of them is providing appropriate, safe and professional risk placemnent services to reinsurance companies. Keyword : Credit insurance, Reinsurance brokers |
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