Abstract | Pada penelitian kali ini penulis ingin mengetahui apakah tingkat mitigasi risiko dan tingkat literasi asuransi masyarakat Kelurahan Jatibening II berpengaruh kepada minat beli produk asuransi pendidikan. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan melakukan penyebaran kuisioner yang dijembatani oleh perizinan dari Kelurahan Jatibening Baru. Subjek penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah 589 KK yang tersebar di Perumahan Jatibening II. Dengan rumus yang sudah ditentukan maka diambil 85 perwakilan responden yang mewakili 1 keluarga dari 589 KK. Penulis membuat pertanyaan dan pernyataan kuisioner berdasarkan faktor yang mempengaruhi minat beli asuransi pendidikan pada masyarakat Kelurahan Jatibening 2. Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa tingkat mitigasi risiko dan tingkat literasi asuransi memiliki peran serta pengaruh masing-masing dalam mempengaruhi minat beli produk asuransi pendidikan. |
Admin | 16 Aug 2021
PT Reasuransi Nasional Indonesia is a reinsurance company engaged in general
reinsurance. This research discusses whether premium income, commissions and
claims can influence Underwriting Result. Th...
Admin | 04 Aug 2021
Tabarru’ fund in sharia life insurance was obtained from premium paid by
participants. The accumulated tabarru’ fund then invested in order to sufficient
the reserve of tabarru’ fund to pay the bene...
Admin | 25 Aug 2021
The research is described the analysis in PT Bosowa Asuransi for increase the premium income property insurance. The researchers conducted a study in PT Bosowa Insurance, Global Tower 2rd Floor, Jl. J...
Repository Admin | 25 Aug 2021
The purpose of this study to describe the handling of claims handling procedures, describing medikolegal role in the process of handling claims, to determine the effectiveness of the procedure or the...
Repository Admin | 15 Jun 2021
KOMARIYAH YULIANTI 15014012, Final Project Diploma III Life Insurance Faculty, Jakarta High School Insurance Management Trisakti. 2018. Old Age Security (JHT) is one of government programs organized b...
Admin | 25 Aug 2021
The objective of this research is to get influence or not influence between tabarru
'earnings income to underwriting result, shariah facultative fire reinsurance claim
expense to underwriting result...
Repository Admin | 23 Aug 2021
Money laundering crime is a process or action that aims to conceal or disguise the origin of money or property that was obtained from the proceeds of crime which is converted into a property that seem...
Admin | 05 Aug 2021
This thesis research the production of an insurance policy motor vehicles through bancassurance distribution have leverage on the number of the an insurance policy motor vehieles so research it is giv...
Repository Admin | 19 Aug 2021
This study aims to determine the effect of gross premium income of fire insurance and
gross claims of fire insurance coverage to the gross underwriting of fire insurance.
Research conducted on insur...
Admin | 24 Aug 2021
The growth of automotive industry continues to increase over the last few
years, especially in Indonesia and is a good prospect for the insurance industry in
the motor vehicle motor vehicle insuranc...
Repository Admin | 02 Sep 2021
Good service to customer are the important in the success of an enterprise. With good service , so customer will be satisfied and unfaithful to an enterprise .Ease in the service claim to be one of th...
Admin | 24 Jun 2021
This study aimed to find out the influence of income contribution and investment of
tabarru’ participant fund reserve at syariah AmanahJiwa Giri Artha life insurance
company. The population in this...
Repository Admin | 04 Aug 2021
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mencari tahu hubungan antara Faktor Manusia dan Faktor Teknis dengan Risiko Kecelakaan Pesawat Komersial. Data primer diperoleh dari penyebaran kuisioner melalui google...
Repository Admin | 14 Jun 2021
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendapatan premi neto
asuransi kebakaran dan beban klaim neto asuransi kebakaran terhadap hasil
underwriting asuransi kebakaran. Penelitian dilakuk...
Admin | 12 Aug 2021
This research is to answer the problem how big influence agent
commission and policy cost to net premium income at PT Bosowa Insurance in
year 2012-2016. The purpose of this study is to obtain empir...
Admin | 16 Aug 2021
This study aims to determine whether there is influence of motor vehicle premium rates
according to Otoritas Jasa Keuangan SE 06 / D.05 / 2013 and quality of service partially
and simultaneously to...
Repository Admin | 23 Aug 2021
Admin | 21 Jun 2021
Monitoring is an activity aimed at providing information about the causes and consequences of a policy that is being implemented. Monitoring is the last function that must be carried out in management...
Repository Admin | 31 Aug 2021
As a company engaged in risk transfer services, insurance receive a variety of risks that are transferred from the insured. one of the risks that could be transferred to the insurance is risk of fire....