Author | M. Ihsan |
Date Issued | 12/23/2021 |
Subject | BPJS Kesehatan |
Abstract | The BPJS Kesehatan (Health Social Security Organizing Agency (BPJS)) should organize the health social security from 1st January 2014. The BPJS Kesehatan have a tasking as an organization for health security program services for all Indonesia citizen. Furthermore, the BPJS Kesehatan should arrange the vission and mission as follows : (1) Nationwide participant as per map to National Health Security year of 2019, (2) Sustainability and optimum the health security program for all, (3) Reliable, superior and trusted the organization of BPJS Kesehatan in Indonesia. The program of BPJS Kesehatan already conduct within 4 (four) years, however there are many poeple, especially for low income class is not effectively join into the program which many reason and motive. At that fact, (2018) Robidi, Sapolo and Muhamad Ihsan conduct the research and behaviour survey against farmer shrimp in Karangsong Indramayu which will found that only approx. 40% from the farmers communities already join into the program instead of 100%, it’s a small portion. In other side, the shrimp is an important commodity export and part of backbone to take a foreign exchange. The production of shrimp could be produce by capture or cultivation (KKP, 2015). Consequences thereof, the government should give more attention for the farmer shrimp quality life by health protection either joint into BPJS Kesehatan or other health security program. Therefore, reasonable to arrange the BPJS Kesehatan concept for farmer shripm which is based on efficient contribution and accessibility. This research based on development methodology which will produce the product such as a new concept which is effective and efficient health security program and services of BJPS Kesehatan based on community of farmer shrimp, and shown into fish-bone. |
Journal Link | https://oldejournal.stma-trisakti.ac.id/index.php/prosiding/article/view/46 |
Name : | PEER REVIEW - PROSIDING M. IHSAN.pdf | Format : | DOWNLOAD | |
Size : | 0.72 MB | Description : | peer review |
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